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Tongyu delivers products quickly and principles the customer-centric concept


In 2021, Tongyu won two 20‐port TDD+FDD tenders with six product models in Canadian market. So far, 6005 antennas have been placed to Tongyu, another 3000pcs was potentially needed in this year.

Since it is a new product, the 20-port antenna faces the problem of greater difficulty in debugging. Moreover, the order quantity is large, and the lead time is very short time within 6 weeks. Finally we achieve customer’s lead time, shipped out 500pcs antennas by the end of last working day before Chinese New Year holiday of 2021. During the holiday, some workers voluntarily worked overtime, and four production lines worked continuously to meet the delivery schedule required by the Canadian customer.

We believe that with our efforts, we will build a stronger relationship with our customers and ask all our customers to trust that Tongyu will achieve everything promised.

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